We are very excited to announce that the latest addition to the Songololo imprint at Shuter & Shooter, Have you slurped strawberry soup? has been included in freelance reviewer and author Jay Heale’s “Bookchat” Books of the year for 2014!

Bookchat Awards 2014 Certificate
This beautifully illustrated children’s book has been reviewed and has been highly recommended by Jay, it also appears on Jay Heale’s Six of the Best Picture Books You May Have Missed on the Children’s Book Network website: http://www.childrensbook.co.za/books/book-choices
Please see his Bookchat review below.
The verse text is as non-sensible as Edward Lear or Dr Seuss and just as enticing. In line with “Have you dreamed upon a star?” But the huge impact comes from Vian Oelofsen’s spacious artwork. In the past Vian has tried various styles, with several successes. Here, he is simple, articulate, whimsical, and matching the rhythmic contrasts suggested by the text and using most effective dark/light pages. A strawberry-hatted girl and a small dragon are the main characters of this Read-it-again and Let-me-look-at-it-again picture book. A recipe for strawberry soup is provided. [P]
J Rating **

Have you slurped strawberry soup and stared in a butterfly’s eyes?

If not, why not? Go on. Give it a try!
Nicole Levin is a writer of several children’s picture books and readers. She is also an educational materials developer, drama teacher and storyteller, who delights in taking children on magical and whimsical journeys into their imaginations.
Vian Oelofsen is a published children’s book illustrator whose work is quirky and full of fun. His artwork was recently shortlisted for the MER Prize for Best Illustrated Children’s Book at the 2013 Media24 Books Literary Awards.
Some information about Bookchat and Jay Heale
The Bookchat website launched in 2008 is similarly devoted to “News and Reviews of South African children’s books” and incorporates a database of all South African children’s books in print (SACBIP) which so far contains details of over 3300 South African children’s books.
Bookchat is an independent, free source of information about children’s books (especially those originating in South Africa).
Jay Heale was a founding member of the South African Children’s Book Forum (SACBF) which is now IBBY SA. Jay has attended many IBBY Congresses, being a speaker at several. For eight years he served on the Jury of IBBY’s Hans Christian Andersen Award, first as a jury member and then as president of that jury. He was the organiser of the 2004 IBBY Congress in Cape Town. Jay is the author of many books for children and about children’s literature.
Author Nicole Levin is a well-known story teller in Cape Town and offers exciting and interactive workshops for schools.
Have you slurped strawberry soup?
If not, why not?
Go on.
Give it a try!
ISBN 9781919888934 · Paperback · 200mm x250mm · May 2014
R66.00 (incl VAT)
Email: sylvie@shuter.co.za ∙ Tel: 033 – 846 8724 ∙ Fax: 033 – 846 8701