Here at Shuters, we have embraced the many challenges and opportunities afforded by digital publishing, to re-look at our existing product offerings.
These include the exciting animated foundation phase products we have created, the interactive activities we have loaded into our ebooks and the large number of platforms we are now able to distribute our content on.
Because digital publishing / e-learning is still a very new experience to most learners, parents and teachers we have decided to help you get a feel for the digital learning experience by giving everyone a 1-year free license to two of our learner’s books :

Download Life Sciences Grade 10

Download Natural Science & Technology Grade 6
In addition to this, we have made all our educational books available for a 2 day free trial period, so that you can get a chance to try out the exciting material we have on offer.
With all the different types of interactive electronic devices available today, you need to be able to experience our eBooks on the device that you already own, this is why our eduReader app is available on both Android and iOS (iPads and iPhones) and soon to be released on windows.
To get your free licenses you will have to :
Step 1 : Download the Shuters eduReader for Android (eg: Lenovo, Samsung etc tablets) and iOS (iPads and iPhones)
Step 2 : Create your Shuters account at
Step 3 : Click the buy button on the two promotional books (Life Sciences Grade 10 & Natural Science & Technology 1 year licenses) from our website
Step 4 : Check out. (no credit card or payment information needed)
Step 5 : In the eduReader you downloaded earlier, simply login navigate to the Licenses tab and download your two books.
* These promotional books are only available with our eduReader application.